A Travellerspoint blog

Koh Phang Nan

Full moon party, Mushroom mountain and scandanvian women!

sunny 30 °C

Hi All,

Soory for the delay in updating my blog, but the last week i have been very busying becoming and advanced scuba diver and partying hard in the evening so as you can understand i ahvnt had much free time lol. Anyway this blog will be about my time in Koh Phang Nan and the infamous Full moon Party.

I arrived on the island of Koh Phang Nan around the 5th feb local time 13:00, and soon got to my hostel and checked in stress free (thank god). Anyway the hostel was owned by a french guy called David and he pretty much owned every shop and Hostel on the stretch off the road we were living on. The hostel itself was called Dancing Elephant and was not to bad but had plenty of Beds so was a good sign to meet people. Anyway later that day i bumped into a guy called Adam who i met in Bangkok and had also travelled down for the FMP, so it was good to see a familiar face.

Later that day i ventured to the beach to see what the crack was for partying at first i was like nice sea, ok whitesands and then just rubbish everywhere near the bars so i didnt know quite what to make of it! anyway night time came and i quickly got on it with Adam from BKK and was chilling with some changs when we met this Dutch couple called niels and Gada, who were lovely and ended up drinking with us in the bar 'same same' later on about 12;00 we ventured the beach, were there it was.... clubbing heaven hit me smack in the face! on the beach it was alive crazy bars everywhere people dancing and a shed loads of fire jugglers and fire skipping ropes! it was also the first time i had my first bucket, for those of you who dont know what a bucket it is bascially a childs plastic bucket filled up with a bottle of spirit (whisky) a mixer of your choice (coke) and then concentrated red bull, which may as well be speed as it sends you to the moon and back. Anyway i had my first bucket and that was my memory of the first night soon gone after a bucket.

Anyway most days sort of followed the same pattern, wake up with a bad hangover, head to the beach chill out then back to hostel for a quick nap and then uv paint up and get on it!

Koh Phang Nan is basically the party island of Thailand were it is 24/7 partying. The FMP itself was just ridicoulous for that one day everyone just goes for it hell for leather and at night the beach is double in partygoers and is absolutley mental! Worth noting there are loads of Americans at the party and this only increases my hate for the country and the arrognat wankers they are, though some of the girls are hot! but if you ignore them there are loads of scandinavian women who are absoltuley unreal and are by far my favourtie race of women!

I almost forgot as well but there is aplace on the beach of Koh Phang Nan called the mushroom mountain, which for those who have gone know what im on about an those who dont seriouslt need to visit as it is one of the most amzing nights ive ever had there.

Anyway thats Koh Phang Nan really, i'll update on Koh Tao tomorrow which is defintley worth reading as it was my fav place by far out of the two islands

Take Care

Tommy Gunn

Posted by tommy-gunn 20:06 Archived in Thailand

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